Transportation Quarterly

Winter 2003 • Volume 57, Number 1


A Message from the Editor-in-Chief: The Problem? The Economy

W. Bruce Allen


Smart Bikes: Public Transportation for the 21st Century

Paul J. DeMaio


Why Florida’s Concurrency Principles (for Controlling New Development By Regulating Road Construction) Do Not—and Cannot —Work Effectively 

Anthony Downs


A Quiet Revolution in Transportation Finance: The Rise of Local Option Transportation Taxes

Todd Goldman and Martin Wachs


Designing Alternatives to State Motor Fuel Taxes

Anthony M. Rufolo and Robert L. Bertini


The Third Transportation Revolution

William Turtle and Kenneth Wykle


An Evaluation of Innovative Highway Financing Techniques for Indiana

Kristine Drike and Kumares C. Sinha


Transportation Quarterly

Spring 2003 • Volume 57, Number 2


A Letter from the President

Damian J. Kulash


Legal Status of Traffic Calming

Reid Ewing


How Welfare Recipients Travel on Public Transit, and Their Accessibility to Employment Outside Large Urban Centers

Evelyn Blumenberg and Kimiko Shiki


Are Late-night Truck Drivers More Dangerous? Not at One Company

Roger J. Drissel and Walter D. Spiegel